Immerse yourself in a retreat designed to spark profound personal transformation and growth.

~I G N I T E~


OCTOBER 17th - 20th, 2024
in beautiful Vermont



Let's start your journey

Begin by entering your name and email, then schedule your 30 minute call.


I am excited to walk along this path with you as we explore what lights you up and help you to move past any obstacles that you may perceive to be in your way. I am a mom to three amazing individuals, grandmother to six delightful grandbabes, wife, entrepreneur, retired from Licensed Practical Nursing, a Certified Health and Wellness Coach, a Certified End of Life Doula, and most recently a Retreat Leader.

Read More Below...


Do these sound familiar?

  • Have you put everybody else’s needs before your own?
  • It’s left you feeling lost, without a vision of what your life should look like
  • Maybe you have yearnings for your life, but you don’t know how that could ever happen for you
  • You’ve stopped speaking your truth, if you even know what your truth is
  • You’ve experienced traumas in your life, and you’d like to heal and move on
  • It feels like it's your time to take back your voice and your life…

If not now, when?

Join us for the IGNITE retreat


Let's start your journey

Begin by entering your name and email, then schedule your 30 minute call.

Vermont Mountains and Pathway






Do you ever feel like there’s something more? That you were put here on this earth to make a difference? To do something that ‘lights you up’ and fulfills you?

If you’re ready to do some soul-searching, connect with Mother Nature to discover what you’re passionate about and gain the confidence to go after it, even profiting from it if that is your desire, then join me in person for my IGNITE retreat where we will come together to begin your personal transformation and growth.

Is this you?

  • You wish to express your authentic self while rejuvenating your spirit and nurturing your inner being.
  • You wish to benefit from a holistic approach that addresses your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being as you connect with nature.
  • You wish to connect with like-minded women in a supportive and empowering environment, steeped in a serene and beautiful setting in the woodlands of central Vermont, perfect for reflection and renewal.
  • You’re ready to embrace mindfulness practices through our carefully curated retreat activities (including yoga and massage), to center yourself and enhance your well-being.
  • You’re ready to work towards an overall feeling of abundance in your life.
  • You wish to gain clarity on your life’s purpose and direction while building the self-confidence to pursue your goals and recognize your worth.

After 3½ years of mentoring others to achieve better physical health and mindset, I am taking it to the next level. 

Together, we will explore your passions and unlock your potential.


If this resonates with you, schedule your call with Carla to determine together if the retreat is the right fit. Please note that spaces are limited.


Let's start your journey

Begin by entering your name and email, then schedule your 30 minute call with Carla.

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you" ~ Maya Angelou

Discover healing and empowerment with a holistic approach of mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being as you connect with nature and participate in solo and group activities with expert guides.

Do you spread yourself too thin, leaving nothing left for YOU? 

At the IGNITE Retreat, you’ll engage in creative activities that allow you to express your authentic self and explore new possibilities.


Give Yourself The Time Away From It All and Reconnect With YOU


Discover … a new and vibrant sense of self in the beautiful and magical hillsides of Vermont in a confidential environment.


Throughout the retreat, you will discover healing and empowerment with journaling and guided meditations and visualizations. 


Rejuvenate and nourish your soul through nature connections and support from Carla and other experts. 


This retreat is designed to support you throughout your stay and extend beyond the retreat, impacting all areas of your life in a transformative way.


Build life-changing connections with other women who are on similar journeys.


Gain clarity on your life’s direction and create a clear path towards achieving your goals. Leave the retreat with a renewed sense of purpose and direction.


Learn from experienced facilitators dedicated to guiding you on your journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Leave with actionable insights that you can carry forward with you.


Let's start your journey

Begin by entering your name and email, then schedule your 30 minute call with Carla.



Your Passion and Purpose Coach

After moving to our beautiful property in Vermont in the fall of 2021, in which the synchronicities still continue to amaze me. Glen and I had dreamed of moving to Vermont for over 30 years. Our idyllic property wasn’t even on the market when we first laid eyes on it in July of 2021. My cousin happened to be with us that day as we drove by this quaint little log cabin in the woods and I remarked at how cute it was. She thought the owner was interested in selling as he was renting it out at the time. She got me his contact number and I called him that week. Four months later, on November 5, 2021 we signed the papers to own it!! I knew from the moment we stepped onto the property and saw the brook with cascading waterfalls, that it was meant to be!! Coincidentally it is in the very town where my maternal grandparents were born and raised, a town that I had fallen in love with as a child when Nanny and Grandpa built a seasonal cabin on another mountain on the other side of town. It was there, on “God’s Little Acre”, so dubbed by Nanny, that I developed my love of nature. The smell of ferns, to this day, brings me back to that cabin, my safe place.

The magic and wonderment of Vermont is not lost on me and from the time we moved, I have felt that this is a place to be shared. For others to come together and reap the therapeutic rewards that the surrounding beauty and nature has to offer.

As such, my mission is to be a catalyst for women’s transformation, not only creating soul-nourishing retreats, but also empowering them to discover and embrace their true purpose. 

In gratitude, respectfully, Carla Cross

A healthier, happier you is waiting to emerge

“every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. we’re strongest when we cheer each other on.” -Serena Williams


Let's Explore the Retreat Schedule Together

The IGNITE retreat is a 3 day immersion in Vermont. You will have the option of staying on the beautiful grounds of the retreat center for the full get-away, transformational experience, or staying off-site. The IGNITE retreat will kick off on October 17th at 4pm. This will ensure you have a memorable and easyn easy transition into a transformational weekend.


**OCTOBER 17TH - Special Welcoming Event - TBA


Day 1

October 18


Breaking down old stories and discovering what no longer serves you, while exploring your achievements and embracing your own worthiness.



Day 2

October 19


Continuing to explore old patterns and wounds, transitioning towards creating a supportive and nurturing space for ourselves.


Day 3

October 20


Equipping you with new tools to venture forth rejuvenated and ready to radiate your light!


Stop Waiting Until Someday + Make This Your Unforgettable Retreat of Change and Community



Let's start your journey

Begin by entering your name and email, then schedule your 30 minute call with Carla.


Your Retreat Center Experience

Stay on site for the full immersion 

We have limited availability for participants to stay on site for the full retreat experience. Some of you may optionally stay off site if you prefer.  We will be staying at a lovely VRBO mountain retreat.


Nestled among maples, this central VT gem offers stunning western views. Walk from the garage to the home under a covered walkway into a window-filled entry with mountain views. Enjoy views of Camel's Hump from the dining room, living room, bedrooms, or expansive deck. The kitchen features soapstone sinks, granite countertops, and stainless steel appliances. The main floor master suite includes a custom barn door and master bath. Upstairs are two bedrooms and a full bath. The lower level has a family room, bedroom, and laundry room. The well-landscaped yard includes a swimming pond and stone features. Close to trails, Northfield, Norwich University, Montpelier, and I-89.


For Questions about the Retreat or the Facilities Schedule Your Call Today


Let's start your journey

Begin by entering your name and email, then schedule your 30 minute call with Carla.

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